"Combine your place for fitness and entertainment. Find a third place. Home, work and add a place for the whole family."
Katie Marietta, Deer Lake Athletic Club
"Pick 6 activities that you want to do during the day. Prioritize them, then start on the 1st one."
Nick Hamp, Total Benefits System Inc.
"Instead of making breakfast or lunch, stop in and have us provide you with a quick delicious healthy "meal" smoothie."
Kimberly Dunahay, Divine Nutrition
"Return calls while on the road (Hands free Blue Tooth only.)"
Nathan Sealey, Brass Ring Wealth Management
"Always have a plan for your day. When you have your own business it's easy to get caught up in time wasters. Make a plan and stick to it!"
Denise Poniatowski, Divine Nutrition
And here are some tips from the Chamber Staff
Sign up for auto-bill with the Chamber. If you regularly attend BOBs, Mixers or WIB events, we can have you pre-registered for all these events. You'll get a reminder email for the event so you can confirm you're still planning to attend. If necessary, you can cancel that registration at that time, without penalty. It's a great way to make sure we've saved you a seat at our events.
Eat that Frog. http://www.eatthatfrogmovie.com/
Set goals weekly. Assess them at the end of each week. Evaluate what obstacles kept you from meeting your goals and what opportunities helped you reach your goals faster.
Be realistic about how much time it takes to do something.
Don't check your email every minute. Set times at the top or bottom of the hour--or at a set point in the morning or afternoon--and then walk away from the inbox. Don't let an incoming email of low urgency jump the queue for important things you have to do today.
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