Monday, April 2, 2012

The Best Advice a Mentor Gave You

At a recent Chamber event, we asked our members to share with us, the best advice a mentor every gave them.

"Lead by example.  Your staff with follow you."
Donna Clancy, Clarkston SCAMP

"It takes 21 days for something to become a habit."
Patty Gelsomino, Toshiba

"Never come back from a request empty handed."
Nathan Sealey, Brass Ring Wealth Management

"There are 3 things you need to do: See the people, See the people, See the people!"
Nick Hamp, Total Benefit Systems, Inc.

"When you have confidence in your employees capabilities you will seldom be disappointed."
Donna Bullard, Clarkston Brandon Community Credit Union

"What' easy to do is just as easy not to do."
Denise Poniatowski, Divine Nutrition

The Chamber staff had some additional tips:

"Don't post anything on Facebook that you wouldn't want your mom to see, because chances are, your mom's on Facebook too."

"Pay it forward."

"When setting goals, always include one that's a bit of a stretch--something you have only a 1 in 10 chance of achieving.  You never know what you can do until you stretch."

"Change is uncomfortable.  Lean into the discomfort--it means you're growing and learning."

"When listening to an unhappy customer--Remember to W.A.I.T.  Which means Why Am I Talking?  If you're listening .  . . you're not talking."

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Penny! I love the way you put these noteworthy lines altogether. I agree with Nathan Sealy. In my previous business, I gave customers assurance that they will get their expectations and I call that “Customer Assurance”. Afterwards, I take the extra mile to achieve what I call “customer satisfaction.” I bet if they consider clients as family members, it’s as easy as 1-2-3! =) ---Chin Portillo
