The summer months are planning months for the upcoming fiscal year. Our programs, projects and budget are researched and developed.
It's a time for data collection and analysis. And for review of past strategies, goals and outcomes.
I ran across this column that I wrote 2 years ago and decided to share it with you
It's Budget Time. Or shall I say, Budget Crunch time?
As the Board of Directors set the parameters and guidelines for the 2009 Fiscal Budget, they have engaged in more serious discussion and debate than we have ever experienced at the Chamber.
Like you, we are experiencing inflationary increases in overhead costs such as utilities, banquet/meal costs, shipping and postage.
The gap between the amount of revenue brought in by Dues Membership and the actual expenses to run the Chamber continues to be a challenge.
The Board has discussed raising Dues and/or raising the registration fees for our networking events. Unanimously, however, they are selecting HOLD THE LINE on any increases.
Overhead expenses have been trimmed back.
We've returned (and not replaced) office equipment whose leases are up and we are seeking out more in kind trades and donations to help us meet our capital expenses and maintenance goals.
Like you, we know that business is out there and it takes more work to get it.
Like you, we are taking care with all of our resources to make sure we are strategically maximizing every dollar and every volunteer hour.
We appreciate you.
We know that you are loyal and committed Chamber members.
In today's economy, we are doing all we can to hold the line--without cutting the service, chamber value, programs and projects that you need to help your business be successful.
So as I read this, I realized that while the Board may change, the Presidents may change--the Chamber Vision continues to be true to putting MEMBERS first!
With careful budget planning, the Chamber is no longer in a severe financial crunch. We are close to meeting our target goal for fund equity. Our membership is slowly rising again and our events are growing in attendance and reputation.
The Board continues to hold the line on membership dues. There will not be an increase for 2011. We continue to review overhead expenses and critique events carefully to make sure we are doing the best we can with the resources at hand--for our members.
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