1. The Membership Team helps you navigate our programs and projects.
Teri Robinson with support from Geri Batt make up our membership team. They are familiar with all Chamber events, programs and projects and are good resources to help you take advantage of what the Chamber has to offer. Looking for the best Business to Business Opportunities, Teri or Geri can help. How about finding ways to better reach the Business to Consumer audience? They can help you find your target audience.
2. Check out the FREEBIES
As a Chamber member you can have a member profile in our eNewsletter at no cost to you. Write up your profile (about 250 words) and submit with a photo or logo to Penny@clarkston.org.
The email address you give us when you sign up, automatically generates access to the MEMBERS ONLY area of the Chamber's website. There you'll find a .txt file of the Chamber membership database that you can download for free and import into Excel or other database software to generate customized direct mail, telephone and email pieces.
The Chamber has a brochure on Ribbon Cutting Tips, address labels of local officials, ribbon and scissors for your grand opening. If you're a new business, celebrating a special anniversary or remodeling, you might want to do a Ribbon Cutting ceremony.
Chamber eNewsletterand eBlasts
Criteria for qualifying for an eBlast include:
Chamber members only
Clearly advertising the member business only
Must be time sensitive and include a special invitation or member to member offer available only for Chamber members.
Limit one eBlast per event/activity per member per month.
3. Advertise your membership!
Put your membership sticker in the window.
Ask Teri for a Membership window cling--great for cars, interior office windows and more.
Include the Chamber logo in your print advertising and on your website.
4. Investigate cost savings opportunities you may qualify for now that you're a Chamber member.
Access to group rates for health insurance, including Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Office Depot Discount program--sign up on line and start saving with your next order! (link at www.clarkston.org)
Access to employee benefit resources such as 401k's, liaibility insurance and more.
**The Chamber has a brochure of our Chamber members who offer employee benefits and which benefit programs they work with--ask Teri or Trisha for an updated copy.**
5. Read your mailings from the Chamber to get to know other Chamber members and learn more about Chamber events.
6. Include your flyer in Advertising Advantage (monthly mailing to 1000 area businesses.) for just $150 (Special price through December 2010)
7. Begin to meet other Chamber members at BOBs, Luncheon Mixers, Open Houses and Ribbon Cuttings. There are many opportunities throughout the year to jump in and meet some fellow members. If you're a little shy about coming to an event, connect with an Ambassador ahead of time and ask them to meet you there. Ambassadors are excellent at making it comfortable and fun to meet new people.
8. Consider volunteering on a committee or for just a few hours at an event. Every opportunity that you have to work with and meet other Chamber members is an opportunity to grow your personal referral network!
There are many ways to take advantage of your Chamber Membership, even if you have limited time and resources.
These are just a few suggestions to help you get started!
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