This morning, like most mornings, I turn on the radio and listen to NPR while I have my coffee, check emails and start the debate about when I NEED to get my running shoes on and still have time for a shower before heading to work.
Today's broadcast included an interview with Reid Hoffman is the co-founder and executive chairman of the professional networking website LinkedIn.
Don't sit with the same people at lunch all the time. (Good point! That's why we do reserve seating at our mixers. So you have the opportunity to meet new people and connect.)
Get out of your comfort zone and connect with another department, another business, another vendor, supplier or customer. (Not everyone you meet at a mixer is your ideal customer, client or referral partner--but they are someone who could have valuable experiences, ideas and knowledge that can help you.)
Find out what's going on in their lives. What are they look for right now? What do they see as a trend, challenge, opportunity or obstacle? (How often do we get stuck looking through our own microscope? So familiar with our own jobs, territories, responsibilities and routines, that we miss the chance to put together a bigger picture.)
Be curious about other people's jobs, experiences, ideas.
The entire interview had more great tips from the ultimate networker--you can check it out here:
About that time, the clock dinged and I could procrastinate no longer. Time to hit the treadmill. The 3 miles went quickly as I thought about the interview and considered how it applies to me--my job--and the Chamber.
There is a wealth of information and opportunity in our community. The Chamber helps businesses get connected and stay connected. But how can we do it better?
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