Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Life long learning--keep your competitive edge

This month I've had the opportunity to attend a variety of presentations on new ways for small businesses to leverage internet based tools which can help grow your business.

The impact of iPhones/Droids, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and YouTube on how people get their information (and how they spend their free time) cannot be underestimated.

It's important to know what the right fit is for you, your business and the amount of time you want to dedicate to social media or online exposure. It's also important to know that "It's too complicated, I'm going to ignore it." is not going to help you grow your business.

Why would you willingly hand a leg up to your competition?

I'm not saying you have to be an expert in all areas--but you do need to listen, be informed and think outside of the box (your store front). Just because you've always advertised or marketed the same way doesn't mean it will continue to be effective. This is true of early adopters for Twitter and Facebook too.

Keep sharp. Keep learning. Keep strengthening your strategic edge--and you will see success!


Every day, millions of people use Twitter to create, discover and share ideas with others. Now, people are turning to Twitter as an effective way to reach out to businesses, too. From local stores to big brands, and from brick-and-mortar to internet-based or service sector, people are finding great value in the connections they make with businesses on Twitter.

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