I started with the Chamber in 1997. I've overseen the development of the Chamber's website and website revision, revision revision. In those early days, it wasn't clear what purpose the website could really offer a business, though "everyone" was telling us we needed a website.
In many respects the early website was just an electronic business card. It was static, updated perhaps annually. Current and timely information could not get on the website fast enough to encourage anyone to visit more than once. The most important part of the website was (and still is) the listing of our members. http://www.clarkston.org/
Today, our website is much more dynamic and functional. It is timely. Information, photos, events and dates can be updated daily. New members are listed on the website within 48 hours of joining.
The website is the anchor of our social media plan. It's where we can post more information on ideas, topics. It's where we promote our members, put a "face" on the Chamber with photos and member profiles, links to members websites and email. The website compliments and becomes the destination for Tweet links, Facebook updates and eNewsletter/eBlast communications. The website ties our message all together.
Jumping in with FACEBOOK

I learned of Facebook while my sons were in college. They would post photos in Facebook and send me a link that allowed me to see them . . . but nothing else . . . at that time you had to have a university/college email address in order to get an account with Facebook.
When Facebook opened up to all users, I was one of the first to jump in. AND . . . didn't know what to do after I was in. At that time posting a status update, poking and uploading photos was about all you could do on Facebook. I SO didn't "get" why anyone would want to poke anyone else.
So I did nothing with Facebook for about 3 months.
It was scolding from my sons that finally prompted me to take time to explore a little more.
YES . . . when you first jump in, there is a learning curve/black hole that will absorb much of your time and attention. I recommend exploring any new social media at a time when you can afford to enjoy the journey of exploration . . . and then be fearless. This is the time to clicky click . . . "what's this button do?"
FULL DISCLOSURE I don't watch a lot of TV. I've never seen Survivor, don't know when American Idol is on and have only seen clips of Dancing with the Stars on Hulu. SEE all that time I've saved that I can use elsewhere?
The good news is, once you've started to become familiar with screens, functions and applications, it goes faster. Facebook is now something I check a couple times a day, not unlike checking my email. Often I get a treat when I open Facebook. Photos of newborn grandnieces Lilli or Addi. A photo journal trip of niece Serena and her family's trip to the Detroit Zoo.
Undoubtedly there will be a photo posting of a cool car spotted by one of my sons. They tell me this is a 21st century version of bird watching. They have a list of cars they've seen and want to see. The more rare the car, the more points they get for getting a picture of it.
Facebook has been primarily, for me, a family connection tool. I've reconnected with several friends from high school and college, but it hasn't been a business tool.
Then came the Chamber's Fan Page

We started with a group page, which, at the time, was the right place to be for businesses.
Then Facebook launched FAN pages. The functionality of Fan Pages, announcing events, invitations, photo albums made it a lot more verstile for what we wanted to do.
DID YOU KNOW that when you're a fan you can post things on the wall, links, photos too?
The Chamber's Fan page will compliment information found on the Chamber's website, upcoming events, photos, announcements. But it also includes YOUR input and participation. Add your links, your videos, your comments.
You don't have to be a member of the Chamber to be a fan of the Chamber. Invite your friends and family members to be a fan too!
TIP: PHOTOS from events are posted on the Chamber's Facebook Fan Page BEFORE they are posted on our website.
I've been an active Blogger since the summer of 2004. Over the years I've run four different blogs, this is now my 5th.
Don't be surprised if you haven't heard of them. Three blogs were the online diaries of our family cats (created for the amusement of my large extended family). The fourth was a blog about training for and completing the Disney Marathon. http://marathonmom50.livejournal.com/
Unfortunately the best cat blog I had going, has now come to an end. Our treasured cat Dougal passed away July 29, 2009. http://dougal5.blogspot.com/
There are all kinds of blogging tools out there. You can see that I have used livejournal.com and blogspot.com. Both are easy to use. The trick is . . . use them. If you intend to be a blogger, you need to keep fresh content on your blog.
There are lots of tools to measure the effectiveness of your blog. You can see how many followers you have, how many views you've had. Which posts got the most interest.
You can link to your blog from a Facebook posting, or a tweet. You can include a link to your blog in an eNewsletter.

There is also a Clarkston Chamber GROUP on Linked in.
I'm not sure when I first joined Linked In. I know from other people's recommendations and experiences that I clearly am not fully utilizing the power of Linked In.
I've personally found the layout and functionality to not be terrifically intuitive. When I start to try and navigate what else Linked In can do . . . I tend to run into road blocks, get frustrated and just forget about it.
So it's something I'm working on. (and I'm open to tips or suggestions on how to get more out of it.)

In January I attended a meeting with the Oakland Chamber Network and heard a presentation from Detroit Regional Chamber on Twitter.
Initially the concept . . . 140 characters of "What are you doing right now?" seemed frivilous.
Yet, in an attempt to one up my sons, (the techie physicists in the family) I asked them if they'd ever heard of Twitter. Naturally they had. One was already on it. The other felt it was a little frivilous and that AIM does the same thing.
With support from the other son, I jumped into Twitter. I started with a personal account, to explore what Twitter is, how it works and how it fits into my schedule. (Like my son in Grad School I don't really have time for another time wasting internet gadget).
During this time period the Twitter explosion happened. Suddenly everyone was talking about Twitter. Oprah joined Twitter.
And the interesting thing is . . . the more people that are on Twitter, the more opportunities there have been for it to be a useful business tool.
I created a Chamber Twitter account (@CACOC). During set up of the account, I discovered you could put the Twitter feed on a website or blog . . . well . . COOL!
With Twitter on the front page of the Chamber's website, everytime I Tweet it updates my website. The power of Twitter is fascinating. The power of being immediate is invigorating.
Initially I looked for people to follow and just listened for awhile. I selected media outlets like the Detroit News, Freepress and Flint Journal. I follow the Pistons, the Tigers and the Lions.
When I found someone whose tweets were intriguing, I looked at who THEY followed and checked them out.
As @CACOC began to Tweet, I had already settled in my mind what "identity" I wanted to the Chamber's Twitter account to take. That helped drive the content I tweeted and retweeted. And it drove the types of people and organizations I follow.
I'm not going to tell you what that identity is . . . check out @CACOC and see if you can figure it out.
How much time does Social Media take?
It's kind of like asking how much time does your family take?
Social Media is about relationships. It needs to be something that's integrated into your daily routine. When you check your email--check twitter and facebook.
Don't let it consume all your free time.
Like gardening, though, you need to nurture the seedlings. Water them. Make sure they have good nutrition (content).
You can't plant seeds and come back 3 months later and wonder why there's no harvest.
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