Tis the Season for many fresh faced, nervous, full of knowledge graduates to leave the classroom and head out in to the brave new world.
This morning we asked our Ambassadors to share some advice for new graduates.
Follow Your Dream
There will never be a better time to pursue your dream than TODAY.
As the Chinese Proverb goes: The Best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today.
Don't Worry
If you don't know what your dream is yet, or what you're truly passionate about--you're not alone. It will come to you. In the meantime--Never stop looking for that dream!
Be patient
It is the journey that is the wisdom, grasshopper, not the destination. It is easy to want it all and want it immediately. Take care not to get so wrapped up in the goal that you missed the journey.
Make good choices
Each day, we make an average of 32,000 choices. Make good ones. Together the little ones add up to big results.
Strive for balance
Balance isn't just the scales of justice, with things being exactly even. Balance is keeping your footing on a surfboard as you ride a wave towards shore. You have to shift your weight at times to stay on the board--that applies in life too. The goal is also the same. Don't wipe out!
Find a mentor
Throughout your life, you may have one or many mentors. People you look up to, who have knowledge, wisdom and advice that can help you achieve your goals. It's not unusal to have a collection of mentors whom you turn to for advice in different areas. You are not an island. It is good to learn from peers and role models.
Learn from your mistakes
We all make mistakes. Successful people learn from that experience and move beyond it.
Do what YOU want to do
And take responsibility for owning your own life's decisions. It is easier to let someone else make key decisions for you. (That way you can blame them if things don't turn out as planned.) Be strong--and do what YOU want to do. And OWN it if things aren't exactly as you expected. (see: Learn from your mistakes)
Be a lifelong learner. The diploma you earned is a license to learn. It demonstrates that you have the skill set necessary to continue learning, exploring and growing as a person, a partner, a parent and a citizen.
Oh, and sorry to break the news . . . .however . . .
The easiest part of your life just ended. You won't want to believe us now, but it's true.
Go forth with confidence and remember that one person can change the world in fact, it's the only thing that ever has. (Margaret Mead)