In 2008 our Chamber launched the first of what has proven to be a series of popular and fun events called "Beer University."
Designed as the Beer lovers answer to Wine Tastings, Beer University explores up to 8 styles of beers and pairs them with appetizer selections.
The first Beer Universities focused on a single brewer and the range of Beer Styles they have at that point in the season. We kicked off Beer University with Bell's Beers. Next up: Sam Adams.
Since that premier year we've also explored Mexican Beers and are now hosting a Winter session that will put the spotlight on Winter style beers--many of which are Winter Lagers.
For a non-beer drinker, like myself, Beer University has been an eye opener. I've learned that part of the reason I wasn't drinking beer, was because I had no idea where to start. The few beers I'd tasted prior to Beer University were too bitter, too grassy, too . . . well we won't even get into what IPA's smell and taste like to me.
So I thought all beers were like that.
Beer University opened my eyes . . . and my palate.
I've found beers I like, discovered some amazing taste pairings that really surprised me, (Try Sam Adams Cherry Wheat with a chocolate dessert) and learned that I'm not the only one who enjoys learning about new foods & beverages.
Beer University has a growing roster of alumni (attend one session of Beer University and you are an Alumni--and eligible for discounted tickets for future events).
We even have window clings for our alumni to put in the back of your car window, as any proud alumni does after college.
We have three Beer Universities planned for 2010. The first one is coming up fast--February 10th. Sandwiched between the Superbowl and the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics, Beer University falls a week before Lent and will highlight Winter style beers.
Beer University is at the Hamlin Pub--Weds. February 10, 2010 5:00-8:30 pm
Beer University also includes a silent auction. If you'd like to donate one or more items for the silent auction, please contact the Chamber 248-625-8055. We group items together to create theme baskets. Donating items for auctions is an easy way to create visibility for your brand. Whether you give a certificate for services from your own business or donate a gift certificate to a local restaurant or store--you create brand awareness for both yourself and your business.
Tap into the loyalty of Beer University Alumni by attending and networking at this event, or donating an item for our silent auction.